As soon as it is warm enough, remove it from the heat. When you re-heat it on the stovetop, stir it regularly so that it doesn’t break as you re-heat. If you don’t use your cheese sauce right away, you can keep it in the refrigerator for up to a week without any problem. More cheese will give you a thicker sauce. You can determine how thick or thin the sauce will be by controlling how much milk and cheese you add. If I’m making a cheese sauce to go over vegetables, I’ll make it thicker so that it coats the vegetables better. If I’m making a sauce for pasta, I like to keep it relatively thin because the pasta will continue to absorb liquid from the sauce. Since you’re making homemade cheese sauce, you can customize it to suit whatever it is you are making. I like to use Parmesan because it is salty, Gruyère because it melts so well and Cheddar because I just love the flavor.

#Make a cheese sauce full#
What cheeses you add are up to you, but it’s best to go with those that melt well, are full of flavor and have a little kick to them. By adding cheese to that white sauce, you now have a sauce mornay. The only ingredients in a white sauce are butter, flour, milk and seasonings. The classic name for a cheese sauce is Sauce Mornay in French and it is a derivative of one of the mother sauces of French cuisine – the Béchamel, or a white sauce. Once you realize how easy it is, and how tasty it can be when you make it yourself, you’ll probably never buy a cheese sauce again! It’s all in the Cheeses you use It’s not hard, but there are a few helpful hints that can help you avoid any unexpected potholes. All the technique and tips you need to now can be found here. That’s the way to make the very best basic cheese sauce. Stick to the rules, follow the simple technique tips and most of all, add good cheeses. It will give the sauce a similar flavor, but you will need to add more salt to make up for the saltiness that soy sauce provides.Sometimes, keeping something simple is the best way to go and that is definitely true when you make a this sauce.